The Black Savior on the Bandwagon Again

The Messiah facing another public rejection in Africa

Dominic Onyeji
Poetry Publication
1 min readJan 17, 2024


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The Savior alone could not give the liberation.
Hardly could he save without public support.
Israelite gave no fund, and he joined bandwagon.
His departure from Israel made things fell apart.

The liberation was needed in other places.
Many were the places including South-Africa.
The bandwagon had to stop at the palace.
It was in the palace that he became Mandela.

The Savior came to eastern Nigeria afterwards.
He wanted the east to become a born-again,
But the people of Igbo did not go upwards.
He got rejected and joined the bandwagon again.

The eastern Savior has jumped on the bandwagon.
He will call the heaven to bring the liberation.



Dominic Onyeji
Poetry Publication

I am a Nigerian contractor. Writing is my calling. I bear philosophic pen power, serving as an explicator, poet and songwriter.