The child, that is me

Brindha Venkataramani
Poetry Publication
Published in
1 min readFeb 10, 2024


Half a century on this planet

Is perhaps the bare minimum target

To see the world through the eyes

Of a child, that is me

Half and half makes the whole, I know

When the lost part is found, I grow

To be that innocence

Of a child, that is me

Half baked wisdom, spread over the net

We got to reach a point, to start to shed

To tell oneself a story, from the voice

Of a child, that is me

Half the battle fought, in its pursuit

Happiness is lost, during the commute

To learn to mimic the smile

Of a child, that is me

Half a loaf is better than none is a myth

When none holds the Truth is the faith

To unwind, to let go, to be free

As a child, that is me

Half the world away within my world

Together yet separate, it’s hard

To hide, to seek, to play

As a child, that is me

Half a mind set on attaining

Won’t do a good in retaining

To absorb, to penetrate, to being

As a child, that is me

Brindha Venkataramani

When the layers of conditioning are removed, what remains is the pure innocence of a child!



Brindha Venkataramani
Poetry Publication

A Software professional who writes on subjects related to Happiness and well-being in general.