The Horror of the Blackheart got Nigeria Crying

When the Black descended with deadly fire from the sky

Dominic Onyeji
Poetry Publication
1 min readFeb 3, 2024


Photo created by the author using PowerPoint

Heaven heard Nigeria when she started crying.
Tears were like rain falling from her eyes.
The droplets of her tears troubled the living.
She cried for help to come from beyond the sky.

There was no help when Nigeria started crying.
She knew that religion asked everyone to pray;
God expected every soul to pray without ceasing.
She cried aloud and saw no help coming her way.

Looking up to the sky, Nigeria saw the stars.
The horrible one was Blackheart from the East.
She saw the Black bearing deadly fire from far.
The fire of the Black was disastrous in the past.

Nigeria cried for help as the Black descended.
The helping hands could not get her defended.



Dominic Onyeji
Poetry Publication

I am a Nigerian contractor. Writing is my calling. I bear philosophic pen power, serving as an explicator, poet and songwriter.