Why does God Associate with Idols?

Rhetorical Sonnet considering divinity as a union of idols

Dominic Onyeji
Poetry Publication
Jan 13, 2024


Photo created by the author using Canva

Worshipers in churches long to see God.
They like him for many good reasons.
Why do they often say, “Jesus is Lord?”
They often use Jesus in recitations.

Sometimes they seem to be confused.
Why do they have complications with divinity?
They see some wrongs from how it is used.
The term divinity means gods and Deity.

Everybody knows that gods are idols.
The term Deity is another word for God.
The Bible says that idols are great evils.
So, they wonder why divinity is good.

Divinity means gods and God in a union.
What do gods and God have in common?



Dominic Onyeji
Poetry Publication

I am a Nigerian contractor. Writing is my calling. I bear philosophic pen power, serving as an explicator, poet and songwriter. https://sweet.pub/@onyeji.dsage