Will You?

Ahrar Ali
Poetry Publication
Published in
2 min read4 days ago

Will you do this for me?

Image by Joe from Pixabay

Will you do this for me?
I can’t remember,
Anything after it…

Mere six letters,
Aligned together,
Held the power,
To break me again

I can’t remember,
Anything after…
But mind screams,
You liar, of course you do

And just like that,
It happens again,
A scene in my mind,
One I can never forget

Will you do this for me?
Crickets, heart thumps
Dry mouth, silence
Six words, mind-numbed

Will you? Her voice,
Cuts the silence,
I still can’t comprehend
If I can ever do it

Her eyes look at me,
Pleading for release,
My mind tells me,
Say no, and no again

Open, my mouth,
To tell her I can’t
Her eyes plead again
I mustn’t say yes

I speak with intent
Tell her, I can’t
Yes, I will…
Mouth betrays in the end

Mind whispers,
Traitorous intents
Heart says,
It is what it is

Reason tries to interject,
Can we do it?
Leave, like this?
Even if she says

The moment stretched
She looks at me,
Smiling, content

Thank you,
Eyes stream,
She turns

Mouth opens,
To stop,
Heart reminds,
Yes, I will…

Her silhouette,
Fades away,
I try to retain,
Promises I had made

Brain talks,
Once again,
Remind me, why?
You said ‘yes’ again?

My new friend
No words,
Uttered for that

Heart knows,
Why I did,
It was what it was,
No more, no less

Still, something
Needs be said,
So heart,
Speaks again…

When muse
Asks something,
Loses its strength

The only way,
Is to say ‘Yes’
Even when it is,
Losing her in end

© Syed Ahrar Ali, 2024



Ahrar Ali
Poetry Publication

I love to write. That is all I can say about myself. Words are something that soothe the crashing waves within my soul, so I write to be at home in my soul!