Will You Look at Me?

Poetry Publication
Published in
1 min readDec 28, 2023
Photo by Sasha Freemind on Unsplash

I’m so lonely

Feel my pain. Feel my nothingness

I waited and I yearned and I tried and I reached out with open hands

Tried to grasp life, tried to hold another hand

But it was all quicksand seeping through my fingers

This was when I had solid flesh

Then, in a semi-solid state, I tried

I am lonely

Hold my phantasmic hand

Gather up my bits and pieces from the ether with your net

You see bits and pieces, don’t you?

Can you see me yet?

I wish I had a solid face to show

But cannot cater to prettied up slices of my soul

There is something solid though

An intensity and a weight

I bear these always, though the noise of nothingness may drown them out

If they all stand side by side, you may see a solid face on me

A face strangely more solid than you’ve ever seen

Powerful and excruciatingly here

A face to stop the world dead in its tracks, with a severe and halting gravity

That’s why it is hidden from view

This is what living in a world of partial selves has done to me

Still, I am lonely


Will you look at me?



Poetry Publication

I write various manner of posts - poetry, journal-type, autism-related, personal life reflections, intellectual, with a mixture of positive and emo energies