54th Birthday Blues

A poem

Sadie Seroxcat
Rainbow Salad


Photo by Irina Iriser on Unsplash

I was going to write about
How sad I am
But I’m not

I was going to write about
Some sweet regrets
But I’m not

I was going to write about
Missed chances
But I’m not

Instead I think I want
To tell you
About my life

How contentment colours
My quiet days
Within my home

Though red pain splashes me
A softer hue
Lies under it

The soundtrack might play
Some soulful Blues
When I look back

But in the moment
Soothing tunes
Lulling my fears

And the colour is not
Stormy skies
Of indigo

Poppy red dots
Here and there
In a wheat field

Cornflower blue
Warm and cosy
Dulls a bad flare

Amber orange
Sunflower bright
Make me joyful

So limits there
May be but stone
Walls I don’t see

Surrounded by
Books so filled with
Great potential

Animals and
Family what
More do I need



Sadie Seroxcat
Rainbow Salad

Essays & Poetry. Chronic illness. Mental Health. Literature. Boost Nominator. 'Counter Arts', ‘Rainbow Salad’ & 'Seroxcat's Salon' sadie.seroxcat@googlemail.com