A Butterfly Playing Hide & Seek Under a Tree of Life

Diksha Sahare
Rainbow Salad
Published in
2 min readMay 21, 2024
Created by Author from Bing AI

A warm cold breeze comes from the tree where some leaves detached and fall. A little butterfly plays with the breeze, revolving around the tree to explore its start and end.

Playing hide and seek with their friends. She hides under a leaf and feels its shadow on her skin which reminds her of their cocoon time where her hand was curved and powerless but they feel very safe under it.

She remembers hiding time of her life when she was afraid to be looked out on by the outside world and working on their own in the dark. the process that is full of many emotions where you have to be connected with your breath. If a breath skipped, you skipped from the world.

Hide from the world to unlearn its hard principles that have no use in life and seek to become like yourself. It is not easy to be hidden in some corner of the world. Many people come that tease you and go. And letting go of those things is the way to go forward in seeking yourself.

Be first to seek yourself because there are so many people who act that they are seeking you and when they seek you, they mark their own thing on you.

So don’t be afraid to go into the hiding phase of life because it is the only place that gives you space to call yourself as you are.

When you become a butterfly, the world will seek you and you have to walk outside your cocoon and tree because it is inscribed in your wings how beautiful and knowledgeable you are.

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Diksha Sahare
Rainbow Salad

just getting inspire by little thing/ Write about self improvement