A Hex For An Ex

A spooktacular short story comedy for Halloween!

Jessica's Quill
Rainbow Salad


Created on Canva with Magic Editor (AI) for Jessica’s Quill

How dare he.

First the man has the audacity to flirt with the waitress while we’re out for dinner. Now he dumps me by text.

The simple-minded fool has no idea who he’s messing with.

You see, most girls have their cliques, or their group of gal pals they go shopping with or bar hopping on night’s out.

I, on the other hand, have my coven.

That’s right, I’m a witch. And a pretty powerful one, if I do say so myself.

In fact, the last guy who thought he could get one over on me is still swimming in a fish tank located in my apartment’s cosy little living room. Todd, however, and yes, his name is Todd, a red flag in itself of course but I digress, he was even worse.

You see, I recently discovered that a frenemy of mine placed a curse upon me to ruin my love life, and she’ll be dealt with later, I assure you. Anyway, this apparently brought many Todds into my life, but the latest Todd was the bottom of the barrel. He mocked my clothing choices (how was my velvet pointed hat ridiculous? It was all the rage with witches this year, I’ll have you know!) and constantly put me down in front of his buddies to make himself look better.



Jessica's Quill
Rainbow Salad

31 year old Autistic mum and wife, long time writer and bookworm, UK writer meaning UK grammar.