A Lover who will never come

Nicole Asani
Rainbow Salad
Published in
2 min readFeb 22, 2024

Be careful with what you wish for, they say
For it is tempting to dwell on those dreams rather than on reality
For it is soothing and exciting to live in a world of invented originality
Where everything seems like a scene from a play

You want to live that tragic novel where you find your lost lover again
Face that person who hurt you and ask for the why that was never explained
You fantasize about the drama, the strong emotions, the tears, the love
And as you enter the realm of daydream, you leave behind the real world

You see reality with your eyes, but you perceive it with your mind
Where does reality go when you’re busy with a fantasy that blinds?
It fades away, and fantasy takes its place, but since it is only in your head
It becomes a delusion instead.

That lover you dreamed of,
How many times did you think he’d come back?
How many scenarios did you create out of thin air?
How much time have you lost in despair,
to compensate for the time that he lacked?

You need it to be real, to escape a life that’s exploding.
To create something worthwhile, some hope to keep going,
because if not, what’s the point?
You need it to be real because you won’t survive if it’s not.

I’ve been there and I’m telling you, it’s okay.
Do what you gotta do to survive, but also
do what you gotta do to live in the present day.

Open your eyes to what’s real, to the people that are actually here.
To the people who love you and that they’re here for you.
Because even if they’re not perfect, they’re real.
And that’s better than a lover who will never come.



Nicole Asani
Rainbow Salad

I write stories to know God for people who don't want to know God.