a poem in progress

a poem

Rainbow Salad


image generated by lexica

i probably won’t finish this poem,
i’ll lift a few lines from another
incomplete piece. & so the transposition
continues & i don’t know how to write
myself out of it. look at this word, hanging
like bait on a hook, fishing for something
that is not language. metaphorically
speaking, what is this poem about? nothing,
it’s an unnatural kind of poetry, a poem
with plastic eyes, a line written like a…
what’s the word? do you remember
the blanket that day? hanging on the line
like cotton shreds of memory
trapped like wind in curtains?

Stevi-Lee Alver is an Australian writer and tattoo artist. She lives in the middle of Brazil with her wife. She loves bush walks and waterfalls but misses the ocean.

‘a poem in progress’ was written after Clarice Lispector — The Foreign Legion

Read more of my poetry here:

Stevi’s Poetry

47 stories



Rainbow Salad

Writer & tattoo artist. Representing queer Australians in Brazil.