A Thanksgiving Without Pilgrims

A prompt response in (surprise!) limerick

Will Hull
Rainbow Salad
Published in
3 min readOct 14, 2021


Photo by Aurelien Thomas on Unsplash

One of my last Thanksgivings stateside
Stuffing myself til bleary-eyed
With family in Cal
And some guy named Al
It ended on the couch on my backside

Oh Thanksgiving, I didn’t realise what you represent
Or that you’d become my favourite event
Now living down under
Where no turkey they plunder
You bring home a cinnamon and nutmeggy scent

Without you, Christmas just suddenly appears
I didn’t figure out why the first couple of years
And pie, as in pumpkin
They thought me a bumpkin
Some things are still off in the Southern hemisphere

There’s no such thing as a stupid question
Let me change your mind about this suggestion
For Americans, when back home, did ask me
Albeit very politely
Some questions that left some indigestion

