April Showers

A poem and a monthly prompt

Sadie Seroxcat
Rainbow Salad


‘Rain with sun in style of Impressionists’ — created by the author using Dall-E 2 image generator

Pitter patter
Splitter splatter
The rain still pours
Yet does it matter?

We while away hours
Of wet April showers
Inside warm homes
Our very own bowers

Venture out after to
Smell air so sweet
Pure, ozone clean and
Gardens replete.

I love this time of year when it’s starting to get warmer and the evenings are getting lighter. We still spend most of our time in the comfort of our home as we do all year round, because of our chronic illness issues; even so there are so many small joys to be experienced, mainly because of our place in a more rural area. Outside our windows (which I really must clean), Mother Nature stretches and breathes. The sun shines more, even when it’s raining- and the petrichor is gorgeous after those April showers! Bare elder bushes outside my back door show sprigs of new growth and small flowers begin to emerge - and then there’s my favourite springtime thing, the birds. I am surrounded and serenaded with birdsong. They hop around collecting nesting material, fluttering to and fro, industrious and joyful. The nest in the eaves of our old house, on…



Sadie Seroxcat
Rainbow Salad

Essays & Poetry. Chronic illness. Mental Health. Literature. Boost Nominator. 'Counter Arts', ‘Rainbow Salad’ & 'Seroxcat's Salon' sadie.seroxcat@googlemail.com