Attack! of the Lemon Lake Monster

An Allegory for the Holidays

Farmer Josh McClary
Rainbow Salad
2 min readDec 16, 2023


Image of a round-faced Lake Lemon Monster, with huger eyes and sharp teeth in its oddly shaped, wide open mouth. It peers over the roof with the night sky in the background. Christmas trees and lights can be seen in the front of the house with brightly lit windows. Image by Farmer Josh using Chat GPT
Photo of the notoriously stinky Lake Lemon Monster. The image by Farmer Josh was generated using Chat GPT.

In a town by Lemon Lake, quiet and serene,
Lived a legend, whispered softly, seldom seen.
The Lemon Lake Monster shrouded in the darkness of night,
A creature of shadows, out of sight.

Ronnie, Ricky, Roxie, and Taylor, 3+1=4 friends ever so bright,
Played near the lake, bathed in sunlight’s delight.
But as winter whispered and nights grew long,
The Monster stirred, its intentions wrong.

One frosty evening, under the moon’s eerie glow,
The Monster rose, a shadow in the snow.
With a wave of its claw, it waved its own thunderous FART,
It cast a sleepy haze, a slumberous dart.

The town fell asleep under the Monster’s spell,
In a deep slumber, into dreams, they fell.
Parents, unaware, lost in night’s embrace,
As the Monster crept forth, with a steady pace.

It snatched the children, Ronnie, Ricky, Roxie, and Taylor,
Into the night, the children disappear with their new jailor.
To its cave they descended, below the water, deep and grim,
Where the air was dank, the light dim.

There, the children faced a terrifying fate,
Cleaning the Monster’s mosey toes, in a fearful state.
Their toothbrushes in hand, a grotesque chore,
The monster forced them to scrub until soar.

The cave echoed with the Monster’s steps,
A symphony of fears, a dance of depths.
The children, hungry, tired, and scared,
Wondered if, for them, anyone cared.

Back in the town, as dawn broke free,
Parents awoke, confused as could be.
The spell lifted, reality dawned bright,
Their children gone, lost to the night.

The realization struck, a painful chord,
Their children taken, by the Monster ignored.
Together they stood, a newfound mission,
To save their young, a parental vision.

Through the woods, with determination and might,
They marched to the lake, ready to set things right,
In the face of such resolve, such human will,
The Monster wavered, and it decided to be chill.

With that, Ronnie, Ricky, Roxie, and Taylor ran out,
Into the arms of their families amidst a joyful shout.
The town, now gathered, embraced in light,
A lesson learned in the wake of the night.

The Monster, a shadow of a danger once unseen,
Became a reminder of what might have been.
But with unity and resolve, the People did show,
In the face of darkness, together, they glow.

My name is Farmer Josh of Consideration Farm. We are looking for new ways to grow food and prepare meals into food on the farm for the community. Please consider helping me take action by joining my Patreon.



Farmer Josh McClary
Rainbow Salad

Farm Steward/Artist/Dirt Witch trying to discover a food system for Earthlings at Consideration Farm, USA.