Beyond Gendered Steps

Kehinde Margret Makinde
Rainbow Salad
Published in
Mar 24, 2024
Photo by Sébastien Goldberg on Unsplash

A poem on the relationship between gender, identity, and physical expression; and contemplation of the essence of identity beyond societal constructs.

Who gave us our walks and gestures,
ascribed gender to them?
I found no gender in the spirit,
although our cognition
and physiological evolution have chiselled our gender and gestures.

I am mindful of what the Bible says,
but there is some bearing man
and there is another bearing woman,
and yet others bearing
girl, boy, child, and baby.

I wonder how deep and high
they wandered
to integrate their names
in our tangible existence through time.



Kehinde Margret Makinde
Rainbow Salad

A complex soul, academic writer, and artist at heart with fine deem from distinct outlook; zeal's veer; and events to proof stir of gifts, love, and vision