Beyond Labels

A Poem

Kulshum Khatoon
Rainbow Salad
2 min readJan 26, 2024


Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

In the halls of youth, a tale unfolds,
A journey of self, as life’s story molds.
A child, bright and smart, in books found delight,
Yet labeled “ugly” in an unkind slight.

Slim and ailing, a challenging start,
Dark spots, scars, from health’s painful chart.
A cultural dance, a word misspelled,
“Dance of less beauty,” a self-esteem quelled.

The meaning learned, a heart-breaking blow,
Ugly, a belief that started to grow.
Pride in abilities, a cover for the pain,
Teeth covered when smiles would reign.

Comparisons made, doubts took hold,
A cloak of “ugly,” a story retold.
Covering smiles till a moment so sweet,
Kindness revealed, a smile complete.

Years of laughter, smiles unchained,
Breaking the shackles, self-love gained.
Roommates’ nicknames, hurtful remarks,
Yet, beauty defined in personal sparks.

A cloak discarded, self-awareness found,
In acceptance, self-love profound.
A journey ongoing, acceptance sought,
Mad at reflections, yet beauty’s thought.

Acne flares, yet some days so pretty,
Learning kindness to the inner city.
Extend compliments without ‘buts’ or ‘ifs,’
Kindness given, healing uplifts.

See others as wonderfully made,
In beauty’s embrace, all fears fade.
“I’m beautiful,” echoes through,
A message for me, a message for you.

In self-love’s light, we find the key,
For beauty resides in you and me.

Confident is knowing who you are and not changing it a bit because of someone's version of reality is not your reality.

— Sharon Salzberg

