
A letter to the Anxious Minds

Rainbow Salad
2 min readJul 18, 2023


Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash


Step back and breathe

Doomsday looms, it’s approaching fast.

Quiet on the outside, yelling deep inside

Echoes say , each fear is a fact,

each day’s a dread, each minute a struggle,

Each second heard, noise of silence is louder than ever.


Stop. wait.

Step back.

Just breathe.

You have been sleeping for 3 months now

Been awake for a year,

You want to hide.

To escape. To avoid.

To shutdown.


Stop. Wait.

Step back

And breathe

Calling of spring didn’t reach you

The summer beach didn’t touch your feet

The fall was always in your head. Catastrophic, Free fall.

Wind Sways and days pass.

You sit and watch.

Free fall into your jet black heart

So breathe

While you can, before the next monster joins the parade.

Pause. Wait. Breathe.

Breathe, take it slowly,

Let this moment pass.

Under a magic spell…pause amidst the chaos…stop.wait. breathe


Breathe it all away, at last.

Running too fast,

You wish to skip to a better hour

You have been running for far too long..

Stop. Pause. Wait.

Catch your breathe. Count to ten and inhale

Don’t take promises of ‘change your destiny’ quotes.

Life is short.

I know they tell you to hurry,

To Clean up this mess and stop the worry

‘Just snap out’ they say,

Keep calm

Just be.

Stop. Wait. Breathe.

Breathe while you can

Breathe until you can

Before the clouds take over you head and

Water drenches you to the bone.


For I know you are frozen in plain-sight

Your life mirrors drought.

Your actions seem meaningless

And hopefulness- a facade

But Breathe,

Breathe, not because you have to

Breathe because you still can…until you can.

Breathe even when it becomes too hard

Even when you feel all the walls, shrinking suffocating and caging

Breathe when you can, until you can,

Breathe, find the glow in the dark

Stop. Wait. And take a step back

Breathe through this night

Breathe… it too shall pass.

