(C is for) Composition of (C for) Contrasting and UN-(C is for) Conventional (C for) Clans

‘Spoken word’ poem on unconventional creation of family and community (Includes link to monthly prompt for March)

Sadie Seroxcat
Rainbow Salad


image created by the author using DALL-E-2 — ‘An Artist’s Commune’

(C is for) Cold,
(C for) Climate (and for) Change,
(C for) COVID;
Things which make life harsh
In general and don’t
Look likely to let up,
Or get any better,
Now we look forward
(C for) Clearly into this new
(C for) Century — and then,
My personal (C for) Clouds
Among it all; because, for me:
(C is for) Chronic Pain,
(C for) Chronic Fatigue and
(C for) Complete exhaustion;
(C is for) Care-giving,
(C for) Conditions, medical,
Of which there are many
Between the three of us.
Our nuclear family,
Three, Mother, Father and (C for) Child.
(C for) Child who was brought into this world
In this third month of March,
Twenty-one whole years ago,
Gifted to me,
PreCious and PreCoCious,
During major emergenCy surgery —
As (C is for) Caesarean-seCtion too….
A failure of my glued up (C for) Cervix
To dilate, beyond one or two
(C is for) Centimetres,
Never anywhere (C for) Close enough
For (C is for) Cranium.
During those (C for) Crippling (C for) Contractions.
It became (C for) Clear that
My baby would not make it out;
Not via the (C is for) Channel
Designated for delivery —
The (C for) Conventional way —
Through my…



Sadie Seroxcat
Rainbow Salad

Essays & Poetry. Chronic illness. Mental Health. Literature. Boost Nominator. 'Counter Arts', ‘Rainbow Salad’ & 'Seroxcat's Salon' sadie.seroxcat@googlemail.com