Poem | Conan Gray Songs, Disasters in My Head, and Zombies in My Dreams

This random poem was inspired by my favourite album of the time.

Mamelodi Marakalala
Rainbow Salad
Nov 19, 2022


Conan Gray lying in a bed of roses and rose petals shaped into a heart. The cover of Conan Gray’s Super-ache album.
Conan Gray’s Superache album cover

I was up at 2 AM
Listening to Conan Gray songs
Wondering why my life was like
Every single one of them

When every song ended
I felt hopeless

I stayed up until 4 AM
Picturing disaster after disaster and chilling summers
Wondering why I was like
That when I could’ve just loved them

All those past people who promised
Me tiny fragments of happiness

I woke up at 2 PM
After being chased by a group of zombies
Wondering what that dream meant
If Iwas running from me or them

They say the universe
I just need to listen sometimes



Mamelodi Marakalala
Rainbow Salad

I am my mother's number 1 favourite writer, bringing my unique take on the arts and culture. Articles and Poems. © All Rights Reserved