
Trip to the grocery story

JS O’Keefe
Rainbow Salad
Jan 12, 2024


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“Fly like an eagle and run like an antelope without ever tiring.” It was a promise from the chief to her. (He was also an ordained minister and the owner of the village’s general store.)

She came in to buy rice, sugar and corn oil but the shelves had been picked clean. There was only one item available for sale, a dozen or so dreamcatchers, probably made in China.

“We’re getting sliced bread, at least fifty bags of them, in tomorrow’s shipment,” said the chief. “In the meantime could I interest you to a dream catcher?”

“We’ve got already three of those in the house. I only came to buy groceries.”

“Sorry, Becky.”

“Doesn’t really matter,” she sighed, “the dollar is worthless anyway.”


A sketch of this article was published in 50 Word Stories on January 4, 2024.



JS O’Keefe
Rainbow Salad

JS O’Keefe is a scientist and fiction writer (Every Day Fiction, WENSUM, 101 Words, Spillwords, 50WS, ScribesMICRO, Medium, Paragraph, 6S, Satire, MMM, etc).