Cursed Gold: Fire deity (the end)

Rainbow Salad
Published in
5 min readNov 2, 2023

What’s worth more than gold?

Photo by Rajesh Mishra on Unsplash

The priest and four ancestors gathered under a peepal tree. They were all sitting around the fire to carry out the ritual. The priest said, “Keep the coin on your palm and repeat my words.”

Everybody repeated after him saying, “You gain life, free from barriers, your life path begins.”

They all are asked to sacrifice their blood and offer it to the fire deity.

The priest chanted the mantra and lightning struck the tree. The priest says, “She is free.”

A beautiful poised but mysterious woman appears. Everyone is looking at her. Leo murmured in Corpia’s ear, “She is quite tempting, right?”

Aries smiles after hearing the comment. The old priest says, “The time has arrived Aries, I want to be free from life and desires.”

The others are confused by the statement of the priest. Corpia asks, “What do you mean?”

Aries comes near Corpia and touches her hair she says, “The actual sacrifice starts now.”

Leo says, “Oh no, again, ritual is boring.”

Photo by Mateus Campos Felipe on Unsplash

Aries laughs and says, “Trust me Leo this is the last sacrifice.”

Taurie is frightened by the tone and laugh of Aries, but even though her heart is pounding her face is calm.

Aries declared, “Greedy human being.” She took the sacred weapon in hand and pointed towards Leo saying, “Who wants the ritual to end fast? Come forward.”

Corpia shouts, “We freed you from suffering and still you’re taking our life.”

Aries laughs and says, “In search of gold you approached me, the sacrifice of four ancestors and one priest is fated.”

Gemi said, “Who are you to decide our fate? You are neither a god nor an angel, just a wandering wicked soul.”

Photo by Lance Reis on Unsplash

Aries in anger throws the knife and it pierces the heart of the priest.

Everyone is scared and they run in four directions deep inside the forest. Aries laughing scarily says, “Don’t you dare to breathe, otherwise I’ll capture you.”

Corpia hides behind a grave and she notices the text engraved, “Life of soul not in the tree but in the treasure.”

She slowly crawls to the front of the grave and responds, “Oh thank you, god”

She tries to walk slowly towards the south direction where Taurie is hiding. A coin falls on her head she looks up and says, “Taurie, we have to get out of this mess.”

Taurie finds Gemi as per planning and Corpia goes to Leo.

Taurie and Gemi start digging into the grave of Aries. Corpia and Leo purposely approach the spirit of Aries. They both run away from grave as soon as possible.

Aries come in their way and say, “Where are you running? Leo, don’t disappoint me.”

Leo screams, “Don’t kill me I was not interested in the gold and I came here for you.”

Aries laughs and says, “Ooh that’s interesting, you are funny, please continue.”

Leo says, “You are beautiful but why are you so cruel?”

Photo by Vineeth Vinod on Unsplash

Aries laughs and says, “Something is fishy, Corpia are you out of your ideas? Rack your brain.”

Aries takes Leo with her and jumps towards the grave. She notices her grave is open and the seven pots of gold can be seen.

Aries screams in anger, “You Gemi and Taurie get away from my gold, idiots”

They move witnessing Aries’s knife on Leo’s throat.

Gemi says, “We didn’t touch your gold leave him.”

Taurie notices Corpia approaching from the back. She says, “Aries, why do you want us to suffer when you are already dead? We will carry out the ritual to free you from the cycle of life and death. The gold will be given to poor.”

Corpia rushes and brings the burning timber which was earlier used for sacrifice. She throws burning hot timber on the gold.

Aries pushes Leo on the ground and rushes to grab the gold but soul can’t touch it. Aries cries and yells, “The gold is mine, whoever takes it, they are cursed to be trapped like me.”

Aries burns with her gold and four of them watch the burning treasure and anguished women.

They buried Aries’s ashes within her father’s grave and engraved the message, “Greed is a strange, strange sin.”

Photo by Vladimir Fedotov on Unsplash

Gemi asks, “Corpia, how did you know how to end evil Aries?”

Corpia shows them the words on the back of a grave. She replies, “It’s the burial of her brother, Ethan.”

Taurie asks surprisingly, “But why did you choose to burn her? That’s not written here.”

Corpia smiles and says, “I believe Aries is related to the fire deity and she can punish Aries.”

Leo asks, “What you would have done if she didn’t die in the fire?”

Corpia laughs mimicking Aries and grabs Leo’s throat saying, “We all would have died from that scary knife.”

Leo coughing asks, “Where is that knife?”

Corpia says, “Don’t worry I buried it.”

Photo by Richard Bell on Unsplash



Rainbow Salad

Dreamy Drama 💟 wild women 🤷‍♀️ Fantasy Fondness 😶‍🌫️ Seren Spirit 🪷