Dancing in life like me

Diksha Sahare
Rainbow Salad
Published in
2 min readMay 15, 2024
Created by Author from Bing AI

My legs stop for a second,
to know that it was a dream
or reality to be mixed in the
a wind that color was velvet.

I think I was daydreaming,
where the wind was so soothing
and it feels like I am in my world
that every part of the environment
seems filled with healing.

The steps go on to explore the world,
where my life is in my safe palm
I am dancing to my tune
waving my hand to spread my energy fumes
but all at once everything turned upside down.

The color of the wind changes,
my world collapsed where
everything feels strange.
My legs dance in different rhythms
that I don’t know about.

The fog disappeared, and I see
there is another person dancing
where my leg mimicked their dance
my essence of ground changed that feels weird.

I lost my sensitivity to life,
that’s why I copy others
My heart asks, Is there any
path to escape this unmatching moment.
and I have no answer for it.

Clouds turn black & rain starts
where I can feel it from my head to toe
The rain drops telling my skin to wake your
sensitivity roof, but it can’t because it forgets her muse.



We lost our sensitivity part,
and copying other’s heart.
So it’s your call to wake your essence,
to come out in this world and show
your soul’s fluorescence.

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Diksha Sahare
Rainbow Salad

just getting inspire by little thing/ Write about self improvement