
(iv). The woman

Sadie Seroxcat
Rainbow Salad


Photo by Vicky Hladynets on Unsplash

If you would like to catch up with all the earlier instalments of this serialisation before reading this new part, go here:

It’s risky, going sky-clad into the forest, but then it’s risky going into the forest at all; and I’ve lived here long enough now to know the times that are best, to know the path my feet should follow, even in the darkness.

I set out when the moonlight is full and clear, first stepping onto the porch wrapped in a beautiful heavy blanket I once traded for herbs to help a young woman with her cramps. It’s warm on a cool night, I’ll leave it hooked on a branch to retrieve as I return.

I’ve not been feeling so well this last week. Some mystery illness carried from who knows where? Or simply an extension of the numerous aches and pains which have begun to plague my body as I’ve aged? Either way, stepping out into the air feels good. I’m not used to spending quite so much time huddled up in front of the fire, even at this time of year when it gets so wet that I’m forced indoors more days than not.



Sadie Seroxcat
Rainbow Salad

Essays & Poetry. Chronic illness. Mental Health. Literature. Boost Nominator. 'Counter Arts', ‘Rainbow Salad’ & 'Seroxcat's Salon' sadie.seroxcat@googlemail.com