
A new religion

Arthur Dewson
Rainbow Salad


Dataism is the surgeon,

It cuts me open and reveals

“You’re an algorithm divested of free will”

Shedding layers of skin like a sinuous snake

I am not individual

I am “dividual”

My soul thought that it had better stay anchored to Heraclitus’ river

That it would last against the mellifluous

But erosive waves of Chronos

Its myopic attitudes led it to its own demise

A shattered echo now

Across a sterile meadow

Every thing is determined

Every thing is random

Nothing stays the same.

“No man ever steps in the same river twice.

For it’s not the same river

And he’s not the same man”.

I’m a bather in the eternal and unnumbered unraveling of time

I show obeisance to objective reality

I’m woven through societal intersubjective realities

My subjective reality is now distorted

Forever animist



Arthur Dewson
Rainbow Salad

Trapped by withering laurels 🥀 Editor for Rainbow Salad. Buy me a coffee if you like my Art