Rainbow Salad Prompt

Do Some Names Werk*?

Like ‘Navin’ from Steve Martin’s ‘The Jerk’

Will Hull
Rainbow Salad
Published in
3 min readMar 9, 2022


Photo by Samuel Regan-Asante on Unsplash

I once inserted a name that popped into my head
In the title I mentioned Mr. Nugent, aka ‘Ted’
Taste, no accounting
The views keep mounting
So now I’m going to milk this thread dead

Like in the old movie “The Jerk”
I’m going to make the name ‘Navin’ work
Pennies from Heaven*
So far I count seven
Beam me up the Al, Captain Kirk

Use Cher, Archie Bunker or the Pope
Or that guy that spruiked Soap on a Rope
Mention RuPaul
Or call Saul
Submit or publish and then hope

What if a name could max out your views?
Who then would you dare choose?
Jeffery Dahmer?
The Unibomber?
How twisted and sick is your muse?

Perhaps, like Michael Burg, MD’s Tchaikovsky
Or someone less classic like Jeff Bridges’ Lebowski
Drop a name
Join the game
And watch your stats go up something stupid-ski

