Embracing Simplicity

Finding Joy in Little Things

Sandip Chavan
Rainbow Salad


Photo by Max Bender on Unsplash

In a world where time’s hands never cease,
The modern age surges with unyielding increase.
They say there’s no inflation, yet our needs have grown,
From humble roots, we’ve now been thrown.

Once we’d stroll along the winding street,
But now, Uber’s ride becomes our fleet.
The pace of life, a hurried race,
No time to savor nature’s grace.

Fresh fruits once graced our plates with glee,
Now packaged meals, a sight to see.
Convenience sought, our souls entwined,
The cost of progress, a complex bind.

Amidst this rush, we may forget,
The simple joys that we once met.
A sunset’s kiss, a cool breeze’s touch,
In chasing more, we lose so much.

The heart yearns for moments serene,
Where joy and peace in tandem gleam.
Let’s pause and cherish what we hold,
Not trade it all for tales of gold.

For in the frenzy of this age,
Let’s find a path to disengage,
To reconnect with what’s true and real,
To let our souls and spirits heal.

Though needs may change, and times may flow,
Let’s not let life’s essence go.
With balance struck and wisdom gained,
Inflated wants shall be restrained.



Sandip Chavan
Rainbow Salad

Passions: Physics, Astronomy, Tech, Travel, Poetry, Advaita Vedanta. Inspired by Osho, Swami Sarvapriyananda. Fav book: Astavakra Gita and Mrityunjay 🌌📚🔭🌟