Emotions to Hide

A poem

Waqas Ahmad
Rainbow Salad
2 min readJun 7, 2024


So I hide my emotions behind a wall, hoping they will diminish, become small, but the mask grows heavy, and I fear it may fall.

Behind a mask of smiles, I conceal
Emotions that fight to be revealed.
A torrent of sadness, a spark of fear,
They dance within me, hidden in the rear.

Anger claws at my soul, a burning rage,
Yet outward calm is the mask I engage.
Hurt whispers secrets, a painful refrain,
But I force it down, to hide my inner pain.

Doubt creeps in like a shadow, casting gloom,
But I banish it swiftly, making room
For a facade of confidence, a pretence,
That shields my vulnerability from offence.

Loneliness gnaws, a hungry abyss,
Yet I pretend to socialise, to reminisce.
For if I expose my true emotional state,
I fear judgement, scorn, and bitter fate.

I hide my emotions behind a wall,
Hoping they will diminish, become small.
But like a dormant ember, they smolder low,
Waiting for a moment when they’ll overthrow.

We all wear masks sometimes, hiding the complexities within. This poem explores the struggle of suppressing emotions for fear of judgment. I wrote it because I believe in the power of vulnerability and connection. When we share our true selves, we create space for deeper understanding and forge stronger bonds with others. Let’s encourage open communication and embrace the full spectrum of human experience.

