Every Human and Poet Loves the Moon

Diksha Sahare
Rainbow Salad
Published in
2 min readApr 15, 2024
Created by Author from Bing AI

I think the moon gives a glimpse of their
beauty to every poet.
They tasted the real essence of the moon
that they know from where
the flow of inspiration comes.

The moon is just like a pearly precious stone
that is locked inside a big door.
The door doesn’t need a key to open it.
It only wants your heart’s energy to unlock.
Only an open-hearted person feels the moon, remaining
all only see it.

The words never end for the moon,
infinite words are kept in that pure white bowl.
If I can’t find my soulmate, I will make the moon my soul slate.
where words can’t find their home
only energy will be our language.

Moon never gets half, it's only a shadow that sees him half
just like our worries and negativity are our shadows that can’t play our part.

Moon never discards their fans,
where he makes many phases to create
something beautiful with their little hands.

Not only do human loves the moon, but even
sea waves and wind want to catch the moon
in their hands to clear all their wounds.

Who says grey color is boring and old,
see the moon, that’s beauty oversold.
It doesn’t matter what the color of your skin is
what matters is your color of thoughts and essence
of soul.

The moon's heart is so pure that go through the sun's rays
and never burns instead it shines brightly and heals us.

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Diksha Sahare
Rainbow Salad

just getting inspire by little thing/ Write about self improvement