Floating In A Memory Drifting Out To Sea

Excerpt of a life

Tricia Small
Rainbow Salad
2 min readMar 22, 2024


Excerpt of a life publication

Weightless now. Unburdened and floating. Like a bed sheet she rolls out and rests unfolded. Calm body, quiet mind. Uplifted spirit open to her soul. Floating here she has no need of ears, eyes, nose or tongue. All her limbs are limber, all her worries rest.

Her sunglasses reflect a blue ceiling and a piercing light. So bright it is here that she keeps her eyes closed finding refuge behind their curtain. Her eyes join the numbness and disappear in the darkness under the light. She floats.

Her body expands with the ocean and contracts with the sea. Another gentle wave pushes her up so she rises from below. With gentle hands it rests her down and sways her side to side. Another exhale. More relief.

His finger tugs her toe setting her sail in an unknown direction. Oh! He’s here, she remembers. Now her body is gliding on top and below the water. With no final destination she goes. This flow is her guide. She is led and she leaves herself and becomes a leaf. On top and below the water.

The ocean stretches her arms as she is turned in a circle. Her limbs bend like branches in the wind. The wind and the water take turns rolling her out like a carpet. The water again expands its lungs and exhales putting her down with sweetness. Gentle again she is rocked, the ocean cradles her quietly. Softly she leafs.

Photo by Thomas Vimare on Unsplash



Tricia Small
Rainbow Salad

I'm a writer, recruiter and tennis enthusiast. If any of these topics interest you, follow me & Subscribe!