Footprints of Kindness

Children’s Poem

Kulshum Khatoon
Rainbow Salad
2 min readDec 8, 2023


Photo by Carter Yocham on Unsplash

In a little town where kindness was a treasure,
Lived Quinn, the cobbler, a man of great pleasure.
His heart was big, like the shoes he’d make,
For poor kids, his love didn’t break.

With a bag that was old, but held stories untold,
He moved around, making shoes, kindness unfold.
From town to town, he’d always roam,
Finding new places, calling them home.

One day he met Flynn, a boy with no cheer,
Hungry and sad, eyes filled with a tear.
Quinn, so caring, lifted him high,
Promised to help, to make things comply.

Flynn learned the cobbler’s craft,
With a smile, his heart felt so raft.
Years flew by, their bond was strong,
In Quinn’s small hut, they both belonged.

Under a tree’s shade, secrets took flight,
Magical shoes, hidden from sight.
Flynn, unsure, questioned their worth,
But Quinn’s wisdom held a secret rebirth.

“Put them on,” Quinn said with a grin,
Flynn obeyed, a new world to begin.
Walking, running, like never before,
Magic happened, an enchanting lore.

A kick to the ground, a miracle spun,
Flynn soared, his dreams were now done.
“I am flying!” he shouted in glee,
Sorrows gone, happiness was the key.

As the sun set, with its golden embrace,
Quinn and Flynn found a peaceful space.
In a world of magic and kindness blend,
They lived happily ever after, a tale without end.

This poetry underscores the importance of kindness and selflessness. Quinn, the cobbler, demonstrates the joy of helping others, particularly seen in his relationship with Flynn. The magical shoes symbolize the transformative impact of generosity, showing that acts of goodwill can bring unexpected moments of wonder and fulfillment. In essence, the poem teaches us that a life focused on kindness leads to enduring happiness and magic.

