From the Window

Rainbow Salad
Published in
1 min readDec 15, 2023
Photo by Decry.Yae on Unsplash

The girl peered out the window, seeing the city fade away in the distance. Her eyes were filled with surprise and wonder. The train’s regular hum matched her thoughts as buildings faded into a distant memory, fading dots. The evening sky was a kaleidoscope of city lights, reflections of dreams in her inquiring, shining eyes.

She was lost in the motion, pondering life’s grand scheme, a voyage of discovery that felt like a waking dream. The heartbeat of the city rang in her soul, a symphony of possibilities, a story to be told. Outside, the world stretched like a great tapestry, each instant a thread creating her own journey. She discovered a universe in every fuzzy form in the dance of shadows and urban appeal.

Her spirit rose as the train accelerated into the unknown, and her curiosity grew. The city may have vanished in the glimmer of her rearview mirror, but it stayed in her heart like an unending dream.

