Her Name is Sabine*

Mescaline Brisset
Rainbow Salad
2 min readFeb 12, 2022


Mode Change in Me

Photo by Erik Dungan on Unsplash

From: “News from Paradise”

refrigerator buzzing through noise
of all busy holiday time
sweets served simultaneously
with the conversations intertwined slowly
with another version of life
on the other side of the line
echoes of the past appearing in the present
when there is no time for it now
disruption on the way
it can’t help us
coming back like a boomerang
to the place where we started
even if it feels like a million miles away
when I leap back in time
through all the things I can find
that shaped me today
slowly fading away
in the darkness of the trained state
never frank, always fretful
never calm, only combating
this little enemy inside of me
revealing its unpopular views on things
causing me to distance myself
from the other side of the world
not exactly on my way
still dealing with it with dignity
as if it were all mine
shame that it was someone else’s dream

