I punched the women who called my bestfriend fat. Part 2

A fictional memoir.

Vidhyadhari M
Rainbow Salad
5 min readNov 21, 2023


Photo by Omar Lopez on Unsplash

"Cookies? You gave cookies to another person, when you don't even share them with a cute puppy? You can do better than that to divert me Bee."
I pat on her shoulder and get up to grab my new parcel that arrived in the morning.

"Darn it!" She comes along with me trying different methods to get into my brain.

"Stop side tracking me and get out my lab! I mean my brain or whatever...now, where are my boxing gloves.." I search everywhere, eventually finding them under my closet.

"You really ordered boxing gloves after just watching a fifteen minutes video of a boxing class?"

I snapped a finger pointing at her "hey! It's a thirty minute class and I need to act like a boxer to become one. That's what the instructor said."

After a full minute of staring context between us, she sighs and says
"No. Just no! You aren't going to do what I think you might do. Are you?"

"What? The instructor said I need to practice." I say to her shrugging my shoulders.

"Uff! No V. Violence is not the answer for this. She is a good person sometimes....when she wants to be I guess."

"She is the reason you are missing your nap time and becoming all cranky and eating my food which I don't mind BTW but I don't like the reason behind it cause you are stress eating with no joy on your face which you usually have."

"I'm not stress eating. I'm just hungry with all the exercise I'm getting, moving from one place to another in your house" she says stuffing her face with some more chips and walking towards the living room.

I try to make a move towards the front door, tip toeing, watching my back carefully.
When I turned forward, Bee was slide skating towards me with bare foot and then she bumped into me in the process.

"OW!...you stung me.. you buzzing Bee!" I exclaim at her rubbing my forehead and curse myself a little for forgetting about the other way towards the main door.

"Serves you right for sneaking behind my back!"
she holds my wrist and says,
"I'm serious V. I think I should talk to her. You are right about me being a pushover. I think it's my mistake too. I didn't stand up for myself when people said these things to me. I should talk to her."

I begrudgingly pull away my hand from her grip and shifting on my feet, I say to her "okay...but if I sense no remorse in her, I'm putting my new gloves to use."

She rolls her eyes. "Okay you savage being. Let me talk to her first and keep your gloved hands behind your back" she says opening the front door.

When we reach her floor, I knock on the door but before I can enter she pushes me away and goes in first.

Her roomate switches off the TV and stares at us rising from her seat. Bee asks me if they can have a private conversation to which I naturally decline and go and sit on the couch.
With a heavy sigh, she joins me on the couch and her roommate sits across from us on a beanie eyeing me and my boxing gloves strangely.

Bee starts by saying "I'm sorry Sam for storming out earlier but I need you to know that you act evil sometimes and I wonder if you know that or not."

Sam's startled expression makes me slowly turn my face towards Bee. I try to hold back my laugh seeing her equally alarmed face.
Yeah, she definitely didn't filter her words before using them.

She schools her expression and says
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it to come out that way. I just wanted to say that sometimes your words hurt me.
I thought may be I was being sensitive for not taking a joke or two and developed some passive aggressiveness but I found out, there is a difference in joking and joking with insults.
"I don't like it when people talk about my body or my eating habits. I would appreciate it, if you wouldn't make comments concerning them even in a playful manner."

A proud expression mirroring mine covers Bee's face for finally addressing her true feelings.

"People are beautiful in different ways and forms. Many fall into depression when others make fun of them and some fall into bad influence, trying different methods to get into society's standards of beauty.
"Body shaming has become too much these days. May that be, being too skinny or having too much weight, being dark or pale.
Everybody has an opinion on everything. People should keep their opinions to themselves before blurting them out and hurting others. Don't you think?" I ask Sam.

To my utter shock, Sam stands up and comes to Bee and hugs her tightly, sniffling a little. When Sam back away, I can see the streaks of tears and true repentance covering her face.

"I'm so so sorry Bee. I didn't know that my words made you feel that way. I shouldn't have said such things. I think growing up in a household where talking about dieting and body shapes and joking about those things made me like this but that's no excuse for my behaviour."

Bee swipes away her tears "I'm sorry I hated you behind your back."

"Thank you for opening up to me and making me realise my mistake." Sam says to Bee and me.

They talk it out about everything and Sam shares with us about her childhood which is a little toxic if I may say so. I hope she gets past of that toxic behaviour she grew up with and becomes a good human being.

"Okay, I'll bring my things back and then we'll have dinner together today. I'll cook!" Bee says before turning towards the door.

"No. I'm gonna cook today. You two be here by five." Sam says entering into the kitchen.

Saying our goodbyes we close the door behind us and walk toward the elevator to get to our floor.
The door across Bee's flat opens and Mrs. Smith comes out in a rush and hustles to lock her door which looks difficult with all the clutter in her hands.

Bee offers to help and tries to lock the door with the keys.

Mrs. Smith's fox like face sizes up Bee and with a smile she says "Thank you so much darling. I'm just in a rush for my diet class. I woke up late from my beauty sleep.
You know, you should join me.
You were already fat, dear, but now I see you've put on some extra weight these days."

She turns towards me and acts surprised as though she's just now recognised me which is so fake.
"Oh! Hey! I didn't see you there. Are you guys wai- "

She didn't get to finish that sentence cause I punched the woman who called my best friend fat.



Vidhyadhari M
Rainbow Salad

Hi there! I hope my writings bring a smile on your face or plant a positive thought in your mind. Ooh and sometimes I write poetry too. Just saying.