I sat with my body today.

Astaria DÁrci - Whispering Echo
Rainbow Salad
Published in
2 min readSep 4, 2023


Image by: NoName_13 on Pixabay

I sat with my body today.

I berated her and told her she was a lemon.

She had always been a problem.

I sat with my body today.

She didn’t look how I wanted her to look.

She didn’t do what I wanted her to do.

I sat with my body today.

I told her she let me down.

I besieged the heavens, oh why did I get this one?

I found parts of her distasteful and ugly.

I sat with my body today.

She cried and whispered; I need help.

I told her to be quiet, and go away, and stop being so pathetic.

I sat with my body today.

I ignored her.

I could not bear another problem from her.

The whining and pain she gave me enraged me.

I sat with my body today.

Her whispers now scream.

My attention she now has.

I sat with my body today.

Now sick and struggling for her very survival.

The eons of ignoring her chants.

I sat with my body today.

She heard my loathing and decided to die.

She took my words as true and decided to release me from her.

I sat with my body today.

Ashamed and sorry.

I asked her softly, what does she need.

I sat with my body today.

I told her I loved her and needed her.

I told her I wanted to be here and get old.

I sat with my body today.

My words were for her true.

She did what I asked her to do, and she made herself sick.

I sat with my body today.

Today I began a new relationship.

I found such love in her.

I sat with my body today.

I found that she loves me too.

I praised her for staying alive.

I told her she was a work of art.

I marvelled at her heart beating.

I noticed her every breath.

I thanked her for her long shiny hair.

I felt gratitude for every part of her.

I sat with my body today.

I am listening now.

I promised her I would love her every day.

She is all love, and we together are one.

