I want love

A poem of longing

Astaria DÁrci - Whispering Echo
Rainbow Salad
2 min readJan 31, 2024


Image by avi_acl on Pixabay

I want to love and receive it back
So, let the cards reshuffle the deck
A story worth the read to leave when I go
One where the all the dreams overflow
With beauty and awe, colourful characters and a lover I adore
Where we live safely in a cottage surrounded by animals and more
We grow our own fruit and vegetables
Have peace in our hearts and minds
As we walk the countryside around us, forest bathing and swimming in the sea all the time
Our health blooms like the garden vines
With flowers adorning in vases
We find our best and most glorious homeostasis
Yes, this is what I want to do
Have peace of mind and flourish too
Have the time to just enjoy
The things that are important
It was never meant to be this manic
Inner city life, rushing and spinning on a dime
Unfulfilling jobs, just to make it on time
So, take me away
Let us begin
A new journey to a real life
How it has always meant to be lived

Life can be so busy living in the city and working, daydreams of a life that is more in alignment with your desires including a companion that shares those desires is so much healthier than what most of us actually do.

