Photo by Victoria Priessnitz on Unsplash

I play in my mind,
over and over,
the holy sensation
flowed through my veins,
when I gazed in those bewitching eye!

I still rewind in my mind
those gleeful laughs
we had shared together,
to forget my vulnerabilities
life reminds me of,
and to live,
a little more,
a little better.

I wish I could fast-forward the time
and live the life
we've yet to relish
and to make those memories alive again,
but this time,
not for the nonce,
but for ever!

I’m thankful to you for letting my words reach out to you!

For more poetry and stuff, visit my profile. You’re welcome there.💝💝💝



Wazia, the Light that Dawn brings with it.
Rainbow Salad

I believe in the power of words. They can make you or break you. Scribbling words is my passion and my words reflect the true essence of my soul! ♥️