Ice & Fire


Jayasree Menon
Rainbow Salad
May 25, 2024


Created by Author using Microsoft Designer

When you open your mouth
red, orange, bright
against the white of the ice spread across.
A seal.
You turn toward me, crawling & rolling
slow and fast
formidable and alluring
consoling and soggy.
I let my guard down
the seal destroyed my fortress
a bright sun shined over
the vast snowy landscapes of Antarctica
red, orange and bright.

About this poem: The experience of uncertainty and allure in mating where both decide to cross through the icy terrain, you let go of your defenses, and allow light, warmth and colors to flood the snowy landscape.



Jayasree Menon
Rainbow Salad

A former journalist, the author enjoys writing poetry, humor, fiction and non-fiction on a variety of socially relevant topics