If I’m Blind

Rainbow Salad
Published in
Sep 26, 2023
Photo by Jeff Hardi on Unsplash

Would love still be possible?

I would say that I will intensify my senses of smell and hearing, and be thankful that my limbs are still attached to my body, to have you and me touched by each other.

For I still hear, smell, and touch your existence; hence, you’re valid here in this present moment, and for more moments in my heart that craves every minutiae of us.

Even though you will slip through my fingers; your scent will fade from the peruse of my nose; the melodies of your breathing will escape my ears; I have an inherent sense otherworldly in my heart, and however faraway you go, I will forever sense you in me.

I will love you, even blind and lost.



Rainbow Salad

More than just a teacher trainee! I write about humanness, values, creativity, education, and poetry. Wanna talk? Mail at https://linktr.ee/engfo.o