In My Crackle

Kehinde Margret Makinde
Rainbow Salad
Published in
Mar 18, 2024
Picture Credit: Canva

In my crackle,
I think of the sputter,
my thoughts make
in this two way dialogue.

Who am I not to think
of this heart of fragrance,
lost in the funerals of fear,
lust in the friendship of faith?

In absolute suit
of day and night settings,
while meaning and function
chambers in and around.

Where sesquiterpenoids

in the realms
are Asclepias extruded and compressed

for lucid Sekhmet

and Amrita’s flow
of perception, memories,

and imagination.



Kehinde Margret Makinde
Rainbow Salad

A complex soul, academic writer, and artist at heart with fine deem from distinct outlook; zeal's veer; and events to proof stir of gifts, love, and vision