In Praise of Mutton Curry

Photo by Ting Tian on Unsplash

In steaming red broth sits
those most delicious morsels of flesh
the sacrificial lamb, I bow to thee.

Red meat cooked so tender
it slides off the bone
like ice melting off of a roof in spring.

The curry itself a symphony
a blend of onions, tomatoes, and joy.

The spices lock me in their pincers
Cardamom, cinnamon, and reddest of cayenne
Incinerated green chillies
throw me into a trance.

marrow dripping out of the bones
that greyish-black ambrosia
a nectar of salt and fat.

Pour this heavenly mixture atop pillowy white rice
Dip crisp buttered naan into its depths

With each gasping mouthful of this delicious lava
I thank the Creator for the tastebuds He gave me.
I really do love me some mutton curry.

