Letters — Dreams of Love

A Poem

Vritant Kumar
Rainbow Salad
1 min readSep 19, 2021


An antique typewriter and some pieces of typewritten poems scattered all around.
Typewritten poems scattered all around. Source: from this tweet of Shelly Wool

Singing song of love
Choir of the sky
Those lovebirds
I keep them with me
Like antique envelopes
Letters resting in there for years
None of them has been opened twice

Today I search them again
In hope to find that song
But what I get is the smell of our long-forgotten love
Still reminding me of our high school days
Oh, how good were they!
Reminiscences overwhelm and I don’t bother to sink —

Had I known this would happen
Oh, how would I?
I would’ve said how I felt about you —
That I loved you
Maybe you’d tell me I was stupid
And we would laugh it off, eventually
After staring at each other for maybe a minute

But that pleasure I’ll never get
For you’ve already traversed paths beyond death
In memories, you’ll always stay
And we will see each other, one day
Beyond the horizon, somewhere
Goodbye, and I will always love you, love.

The above poem is a continuation of the poem in the tweet below (with some minor edits):

A tweet embed of the initial part of the above poem. Source: VRITANT on Twitter



Vritant Kumar
Rainbow Salad

I write to EXPLORE as much as I write to EXPRESS. 6x top writer. newsletter: vritant.substack.com