Life Getting in the Way of Writing. Again.

And a birthday limerick for Reece Beckett

Will Hull
Rainbow Salad


Photo by Marius GIRE on Unsplash

We writers all feel the pull of some literary mission
Then get side tracked by school, work or gutting a kitchen
“What’s on the screen?”
Or “that needs a clean”
Writing’s hard work, says me, moaning and bitchin’

So here I sit, not writing for fame or money
At least they’re words on a screen, neither useful nor funny
Comment or Freud
But it helps me avoid
Further procrastination and cleaning the dunny

But the point of this rhyme is a birthday howdy-do
From all of his friends and Medium crew
Powerful prose
Movies he knows
Which smells worse? This limerick or my loo?

So Happy Birthday, Reece, but now I should quit
I’ve lost my way in this limericking shit
What’s my Medium become
A writing bum
Fluff I could just post on Insta or Twit

