Looking Away — A Poem

From, The Sunflower that Turned Away from The Sun

Hafsa Hashmey
Rainbow Salad
Oct 5, 2023


Photo by: Hafsa Hashmey

May I look away for a while,
I’ve been looking at you for so long.

Maybe you don’t realize,
How you’ve been burning my soul.

I’ve felt like Icarus for a while now,
Not realizing that it is you who came too close.

Hoping to burn my wings right before I take flight,
Right before I leave this home.

Inspiration for the poem

I saw these sunflowers on the way to my grandmother’s house, and this radiant one was turning away from the sun.

It was so ironic and beautiful, I couldn’t stop myself from clicking this picture and writing a poem about it.

Thank you for reading!



Hafsa Hashmey
Rainbow Salad

A writer, an artist, and no - not a robot. Unless I'm in a social setting. Then beep boop bop.