losing Yourself — A Poem

When you are losing yourself

Hafsa Hashmey
Rainbow Salad
Dec 30, 2023


Photo by Lan Gao on Unsplash

You don't really understand the notion
of it anymore.
It's discreet and silent,
Like a thief sneaking into a dark house,
Believing that everyone's asleep.

But I'm awake,
I think.
And maybe
I'm the one who left the door open
To begin with.

So when I found you inside of a place I should've protected,
I recognized you.

I guess
The only ones capable of stealing you away
Are people you already know.

And maybe I didn’t leave the door open.
Maybe I invited the person in,
Believing them to be a guest.
Never expecting them to turn into an intruder
So soon.

But too late.



Hafsa Hashmey
Rainbow Salad

A writer, an artist, and no - not a robot. Unless I'm in a social setting. Then beep boop bop.