Love Is Your True Nature

Adrienne Smiley
Rainbow Salad
Published in
2 min readJan 17, 2024
Created in Canva by Adrienne Smiley

We are divine beings. Our true nature is love.
It comes from inside, not from above.

Why do we block ourselves from this essential essence of life?
Why is the focus on fear and causing so much strife?

We suffocate in suffering. Starving for connection.
Lost in the unattainable quest for this world’s perfection.

This world cannot give the treasures you seek.
They are inside you, don’t be afraid to peek.

You are beauty. You are love.
You are perfect at your core.
You are everything you’ve been looking for.

You have forgotten. You got lost. The mind ran wild and tricked you.
It made you think this world had something that could fix you.

You are not broken, though it feels that way.
A trick of the mind, another game it likes to play.

A game of charades that can’t be won.
Unless you want your mind to come completely undone.

Insanity is the prize if you are not careful.
Start finding your way back by surrender and being prayerful.

I’m not talking about religion, that was made by man.
I’m talking about the power that created us and this land.

Call it what you want or call it nothing at all.
It exists inside, outside, and around us all.

Whether you believe or not, it is still there.
The very essence of life that relieves all despair.

You call upon it every day and many do not know.
It is powered by your thoughts and your life will surely show.

We run subconscious programming and think that’s who we are.
Identifying with symptoms of trauma because they left a scar.

The mind attempting to explain the body’s trapped pain,
Is what makes us crazy and feel insane.

Are you ready to stop the madness and remember who you are?
Are you ready to follow your dreams, no matter how far?

Are you ready to embrace love and leave the pain behind?
Are you ready to let go of anger and choose to be kind?

You are beauty. You are love.
You are perfect at your core.
You are everything you’ve been looking for.



Adrienne Smiley
Rainbow Salad

Life Doula & Spiritual Life Coach, RYT-200, Certified Health Coach |