Love Squeezed


Waqas Ahmad
Rainbow Salad
2 min read4 days ago


Photo by Mayur Gala on Unsplash

Love squeezed,
tight and relentless,
like a vise on my heart,
compressing every beat,
until the rhythm falters,
a syncopated song of longing.

You, the center of this pressure,
your presence a weight,
a gravity pulling me in,
holding me fast,
in an embrace unseen,
yet deeply felt,
each touch a silent imprint.

In your gaze,
I find myself shrinking,
the world narrowing,
to the space between us,
a breath, a whisper,
a distance measured in heartbeats,
closer than skin.

Love squeezed,
a bittersweet constriction,
where desire and doubt collide,
a dance of shadows,
on the walls of my mind,
where hope flickers,
then dims,
in the tightening grip.

I hold on,
to fragments of moments,
each memory a shard,
pressed into my soul,
a mosaic of what could be,
if the pressure eased,
if love could breathe,
expand, unfurl,
like a flower in the sun.

Yet here I am,
in the squeeze of love,
a paradox of pleasure and pain,
where joy and sorrow,
are woven tight,
a tapestry of contradictions,
held together,
by the force of my affection.

Love squeezed,
not by choice,
but by the nature of my heart,
a relentless embrace,
that binds me to you,
in a grip that is as tender,
as it is unyielding,
a love compressed,
yet infinite,
in its depth.

