Movie Sets: Interesting Things You Should Know

A spot of dust, A fingerprint on glass. It’s all the same, Wipe it away, fast.

Tyler Woden
Rainbow Salad
2 min readMay 18, 2024


image by the author. 2024

The crew work away,
Cleaning this and that.
Behind the TV screens,
Staying tidy is the way.

A spot of dust,
A fingerprint on glass.
It’s all the same,
Wipe it away, fast.

Waiting around as the actor,
It’s part of the job.
Smile and shake hands,
Just don’t be a nob.

When it’s time for your scene,
They’ll be letting you know.
If you don’t stick around the set,
Well, maybe you won’t know.

Waiting for the dressing,
Is all part of the day.
Is it tiring for you?
Even if so, don’t say.

Commercials, movies, plays,
It might seem all the same.
But to those who have done it,
We know they are not the same.

So the time draws near,
It’s your time to shine.
They gussy you up,
And make you look fine.

So give it your all,
Go and shine like a star.
Maybe we will meet some day,
Or trade stories from afar.

This was a poem I wrote on set whilst waiting to act out my scenes.

I wrote a full article on some of my feelings and lessons from it here:

Thank you for reading.




Tyler Woden
Rainbow Salad

Unbound by niches. However, I enjoy writing: Fiction -Life -Mental Health I equally enjoy reading in the same areas