My Christmas Journey: Finding Joy Amidst Challenges.

Adeyewa Temiloluwa
Rainbow Salad
Published in
2 min readDec 25, 2023
Photo by Rodion Kutsaiev on Unsplash

This year has been tough for me, and honestly, I wasn't sure I'd make it to Christmas. Things felt uncertain, and obstacles kept piling up, making the idea of celebrating seem far away. I remember the silent tears almost every night, feeling overwhelmed by the surrounding challenges. My parents are the real MPVs, they stood by me during those challenging times.

Then, unexpected joy arrived when my sister got married in April. The celebrations brought a glimmer of happiness, making me forget, even if just for a while, about the worries and troubles. Her wedding filled me with laughter and love, creating memories that overshadowed the tough times.

But you know what? Even with everything going wrong, I'm holding on to the spirit of Christmas. It's about hope, love, and coming together, no matter what. It’s that feeling that keeps me going.

Sure, this year has been tough, but Christmas isn’t just about presents and decorations. It's about finding joy in the little things, like being with family and friends, sharing smiles, and spreading kindness.

As I sit here, thinking about what's gone by, I know Christmas brings a chance to start over. It's a time for forgiveness, a time to feel hopeful about what's ahead. Despite everything that’s happened, I believe in the goodness of people and the light that Christmas brings.

So, even though it's been a bumpy ride, I'm choosing to let the real spirit of Christmas shine through. It's a reminder that even in tough times, there's room for love and happiness.

This Christmas, I’m holding on to hope. I'm cherishing every moment with the people I care about, and I’m eagerly awaiting a brighter tomorrow.

Merry Christmas to everyone! May this season bring us all peace, love, and the strength to face whatever comes our way in the new year.

With love ❤️



Adeyewa Temiloluwa
Rainbow Salad

I put my thoughts into words. Welcome to my inner thoughts!