My overgrown garden

A poem about how writing helps me to grow…

Jessica M
Rainbow Salad
1 min readOct 14, 2023


Photo by Emiel Molenaar on Unsplash

I write to clean away the muck with the pressure
washer, clinging to the patio in my overgrown garden-
where wiry weeds and a
poignant smell of guilt often stay.

I rely on typing words
to keep me away from the
nests made out of prickling
thoughts and scratchy stinging nettles.

I hope that as time passes
my poetry will sprout-
a kaleidoscope of buds coiling through
the membranes of my garden.
And maybe then, I’ll water lilies with
my optimistic tears and
let the pain fade away.

Thank you for reading my poem. If you enjoyed my writing, I would be very grateful if you could interact or if you’re interested I have written several other poems:



Jessica M
Rainbow Salad

Cat fosterer/ mental health advocate/ spiritual / creative / Autistic Expressing myself and my experiences through poetry /