Nothing ventured would have been nothing gained

Haiku & monthly prompt

Sadie Seroxcat
Rainbow Salad


Photo by Joyce Hankins on Unsplash

Therapy ventured
Love given love was received
Unexpected gift

I began the experiment of writing on Medium as part of the recognition that I needed to stretch further than I had been in my quest for healing.

I had already worked hard on myself over a number of years, but reached an impasse, night terrors which, unable to remember their contents, only having the feelings of panic, terror and emotional pain left on awakening to go on, I could only make a guess at — so, I enlisted professional help and decided on opening a writing account on Medium to work through things as well as I could.

Something else happened here though. The more time I spent on Medium, the more I realised that I was making some genuinely wonderful connections here, in the little corner of the platform inhabited by Rainbow Salad and Counter Arts.

I have devoted myself to this community and over the last couple of years been gifted ownership of the two publications (and recently opened a third, Seroxcat’s Salon).

I have developed a real love for the people who write for my publications — and still maintain some of the original close connections. It’s a joy to work with you all…



Sadie Seroxcat
Rainbow Salad

Essays & Poetry. Chronic illness. Mental Health. Literature. Boost Nominator. 'Counter Arts', ‘Rainbow Salad’ & 'Seroxcat's Salon'